The multimedia theater work,
My Black Umbrella, included live performance as well as pre-edited video and slide projections. The soloist, Christine Chen, was choreographed within an illusionary stage filled with life-size shadows, silhouettes, and a company of dark figures who challenged the audience’s perspective of reality. The projection design was synchronized with an automated projection screen that moved up and down within the piece. This work was featured in one of the first multimedia festivals hosted by the Department of Dance at Ohio State University. The work also featured members of the Glassmen Drum and Bugle Corps, Toledo, OH.
ViewingsOSU Dance Multimedia Festival
Ohio State University
Sullivant Hall Theater, OSU Campus
Columbus, OH
April 29–May 1, 1999 (premiere)

Choreography and Projection Design: Tim Glenn
Music: Anonymous
Costumes: Tim Glenn
Performers: Christine Chen with Natalie Maronne and dancers
Still images from video by Tim Glenn